We are the Elect of God
In my last installment I spoke of Pistis Sophia. She is also known to us as Gaia Sophia, she is our dear Mother Earth – now known as Terra Christa.
The 144,000 are also known as the Elect. The author Laurence Caruana says this regarding the Elect;
“In the beginning, when the One divided itself into the many that manifold included the Father, Mother, Christ, Sophia, the angels and, more particularly, the Elect. The Elect were a part of the One’s all-encompassing unity. At present, their spirits (pneuma, divine spark, pearl, dew drop etc.) have fallen into the Lower Aeons, and are trapped in bodies. But, after the consummation the Elect will rise up and come to exist once more in the Upper Aeons.”
Mr. Caruana writes that Pistis Sophia, since falling from the Pleroma, or upper Aeons, has been awaiting her restitution into the higher realms. This will happen after the destruction of Yaldabaoth and the lower Aeons he created. This time is referred to as the marriage of the bride and bridegroom and it will take place in the upper Aeons. Pistis Sophia and her syzygy Christ will be reunited at that time and we will be reunited with our angelic or higher selves. One of the first revelations I received almost ten years ago, was that I was to tell my family to get ready for a wedding. I really had no concept of what that meant at the time!
According to a glossary of Gnosticism that Laurence Caruana has on his website, the Elect are also called Sethians or the sons of Seth. Seth is a savior-figure like Christ. The heavenly Seth placed the seeds of the Elect in the upper Aeons while the earthly Seth placed the pneuma (spirit) and Gnosis in his earthly descendants. Gnosis is described as an ‘inner knowing’. Laurence writes; “More precisely, the heavenly Adam (Geradamas) had a son, the heavenly Seth (Emmacha Seth), who sowed the seeds of the Elect in the Upper Aeons.” He says this schema appears in ancient Sethian texts such as The Gospel of the Egyptians, Three Steles of Seth and the Apocryphon (Secret book) of John. The earthly Adam and Eve begot the earthly Seth and his sister Norea. With the aid of Norea, Seth’s sister-wife, Seth’s descendants were to preserve the pneuma and Gnosis in the lower Aeons.
“Adam and Eve once had the pneuma (spirit, divine spark) and the gnosis (knowledge of the Upper Aeons). This knowledge was then hidden in ‘the seed of Seth,’ where it will come out after the three parousias. Adam speaking to Seth: “And the glory in our heart(s) left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed within us. And it (glory) fled from us; … But it (knowledge) entered into the seed of great Aeons. For this reason I myself have called you by the name of that man who is the seed of the great generation or from whom (it comes).” Apocalypse of Adam
This last paragraph speaks of the time when Adam and Eve of Genesis chapter one, the spiritual Adam and Eve, were sent out of the Garden of Eden. The loss of the Spirit or divine spark is shown in the Eden allegory as their recognizing that they were naked, i.e. bereft of the Spirit. It’s the glory referred to that left Adam and Eve. I guess you could say that the Eden allegory refers to the time when the Anunnaki or Nibiruans altered human dna from twelve strands to two – because that’s when humans lost their connection with their Divine Self. The reference to the seed of Seth refers to us. We have souls from higher realms and we have been sprinkled among humanity. In esoteric teachings there are three types of humans. They are; Pneumatic or spiritual, Psychic or Choic – they have a choice to be spiritual or not, and then there are the Hylic or material – those who don’t believe in spiritual matters and have for the most part lost their soul connection, or those who have chosen the darkness.
Laurence describes the Elect as the pneumatic or spiritual race. They are “saved in every way” in contrast to the psychic race who are saved by their works and the hylic or material race who will be “destroyed in every way.” The Psychic race has a choice. It can choose good or evil. Each race is known by its fruit; “They were not known at first but only at the coming of the Savior, who shone upon the saints and revealed what each was.” The Tripartate Tractate (an ancient Gnostic text)
Laurence speaks of the Elect as being the unfallen descendants of Seth and his sister Norea. These are the pneumatic or spiritual race. He says that the descendants of Cain are considered the material or hylic race, and the descendants of Abel are the psychic or choic race – those who have a choice to be either spiritual or material. In this schema, which the author gets from ancient Gnostic texts, the Elect, though descended into materiality, are not considered as part of the fallen angels – but the descendants of Cain and Abel are.
In the ancient text the Hypostasis of the Archons, Eleleth, who is from the higher realms, is speaking to Seth’s wife Norea and says to her; “And these authorities (Archons) cannot defile you and that generation; for your abode is in incorruptibility, where the Virgin Spirit dwells, who is superior to the authorities of chaos and to their universe.” And from the ancient text, the Tripartite Tractate; “You (Norea), together with your offspring, are from the primeval father; from above, out of the imperishable light, their souls are come. Thus the authorities (archons) cannot approach them, because of the spirit of truth present within them; and all who have become acquainted with this way exist deathless in the midst of dying mankind.” The author concludes; “Hence, the Elect are without fault, and called the “Faultless Ones”.
The Elect are those “whom all the generations of men will not know, for they will be on a high mountain upon a rock of truth.” Apocalypse of Adam
The Elect are “the unwavering race of the perfect Man,” “those who are from the immovable race,” “the offspring of the perfect race.” Apocryphon of John
This incorruptible holy race of the great Savior and those who dwell with them in love. Gospel of the Egyptians
The chosen race. First Book of Jew
For you are from that place. In the hearts of those who speak out of joy and truth, you exist.” Dialogue of the Savior
The Elect are called “the Sons of Light” Apocalypse of Peter
As the Sons of Light: “I will reveal myself to those who have heard my mysteries, that is, the Sons of the Light.” Trimorphic Protennoia
The Sons of Light are above all earthly authorities: “I have given you authority over all things as Sons of Light that you might tread upon their power with your feet.” Sophia of Jesus Christ
The Elect are; “another race who are not of this age.” Apocalypse of Peter
The Elect are from the eternal realm; “the great generation of Adam will be exalted, for prior to heaven, earth, and the angels, that generation, which is from the eternal realms, exists.” Gospel of Judas
The Elect are free of Fate and the stars’ ruler ship; “No host of angels (i.e. demons) of the stars will rule over that generation.” Gospel of Judas
What this last verse refers to is that fate, astrology, destiny, etc., does exist for a reason and has a purpose, but only with the psychic and hylic races.
The Elect are the kingless fourth race: “Consequently, four races exist. There are three that belong to the kings of the eighth heaven. But the fourth race is kingless and perfect, being the highest of all. For these shall enter the holy place of their father. And they will gain rest in repose and eternal, unspeakable glory and unending joy.” On the Origin of the World
“The Elect are all who make love their rule, conscience their guide and a pure ideal their aim. Thus are they seekers after the perfection which is God.”
I believe there were a set number of Elect souls originally, but that number increases as the Elect minister to the psychic race and they become Elect; “For you will become Elect with the Elect ones in the last times, as the invisible Spirits runs up above. And you yourselves, run with him up above, since you have the great crown which […].” This last verse from an ancient text is unfinished because of a hole in the text. We are in those last times referred to, and what this verse refers to is this; Jesus came and brought the Law of Love to the world. That law is simply to love God and all others. Those who do that will become Elect in these last times.
The following, also from Laurence Caruana, is very important in regards to being able to read the Bible with “ears that can hear” the coded words in the Bible. The following are some examples;
“The Elect are ‘free men’ and ‘virgins’ while the non-Elect are ‘animals’, ‘slaves’ and ‘defiled’. The Elect are ‘glass decanters’ made through breath (the pneuma) while the non-Elect are ‘earthenware jugs’ made without breath (no pneuma) The spirit, by contrast, was pure consciousness, the Self, the true I – what other religions have called by such names as the Atman or Buddha nature. This distinction was extremely important to Valentinus and indeed to most of the Gnostics, who separated humanity into three fundamental types. The first, and the lowest, are the carnal or fleshly ones, sometimes called the hylic, from the hyle, or matter. Those who are oriented toward the external world of things and toward physical desires such as food and sex. Seth and his successors are described as foreign or alien of a particular race separate from the rest of humanity and participating in the world of supreme powers, the Elect.”
Laurence describes the psychics. This has nothing to do with psychic powers, but speaks of a middle orientation between the body and spirit. The Gnostic’s tended to see ordinary Christian believers, those who lived by faith, as a psychic individual. Laurence writes; “You yourself choose the category you will fall into simply by virtue of what interests you. ‘Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ Matthew 6:21 If you are oriented toward the external world and preoccupied with the satisfactions of the body, you are a fleshly person, ….If you are drawn toward the unseen, toward the realm of the divine that seem to haunt us even as they elude us, you are more likely to be a spiritual, or pneumatic individual – or at least have the potential to become one.”
Some of the names for our soul family, who are the original Elect, are;
The Light worker Souls – The Unwavering Race of the Perfect Man – The First People – The Race of the Perfect – The Saints – The Beloved – The Elect – The Race of Adonaios – The Remnant According to Grace – The Kingless Race – The Sons of Man (the Heavenly Seth – the archetype of Earthly man) – The Sons of Light – The Undominated Race – The Great Immovable Race – The Sons and Daughters of Seth – The Incorruptible Race – Sons of Will and Yoga – Followers of the Law of One – The Race of Light – The Great Generation – Those Who are Worthy – Strangers – The Seed of Seth – The Children of Seth – The Ecclesia – The Children of Promise – The Chosen Ones – The Wanderers.
One identity of our family is the Watchers. We are also the Patriarchs, Heroes and Manes mentioned below. The following author is speaking of the Satya Yuga which is an age or cycle of time as measured by the Buddhist’s. From the book Fragments of a Faith Forgotten by G.R.S. Mead Vol. 1, we learn;
“The ‘Watchers’ reign over man during the whole period of Satya Yuga and the smaller subsequent yugas, down to the beginning of the Third Root Race; after which it is the Patriarchs, Heroes, and the Manes (see Egyptian Dynasties enumerated by the priests to Solon), the incarnated Dhyanis of a lower order, up to King Menes and the human kings of other nations; all were recorded carefully. In the views of symbologists this Mythopoeic Age is of course only regarded as a fairy tale. But since traditions and even chronicles of such dynasties of divine kings – of gods reigning over men followed by dynasties of heroes or giants – exist in the annals of every nation, it is difficult to understand how all the peoples under the sun, some of whom are separated by vast oceans and belonging to different hemispheres, such as the ancient Peruvians and Mexicans, as well as the Chaldeans, could have worked out the same ‘fairy tales’ in the same order of events. However, as the Secret Doctrine teaches, history – which, for being esoteric and traditional, is none the less more reliable than profane history – we are as entitled to our beliefs as anyone else, whether religionist or skeptic. And that Doctrine says that the Dhyani-Buddhas of the two higher groups, namely, the ‘Watchers’ or the ‘Architects’, furnished the many and various races with divine kings and leaders. It is the latter who taught humanity their arts and sciences, and the former who revealed to the incarnated Monads that had just shaken off their vehicles of the lower Kingdoms – and who had, therefore, lost every recollection of their divine origin – the great spiritual truths of the transcendental worlds.”
“…Thus, as expressed in the Stanza, the Watchers descended on Earth and reigned over men – “who are themselves.” The reigning kings had finished their cycle on Earth and other worlds, in the preceding rounds. In the future manvantaras they will have risen to higher systems than our planetary world; and it is the Elect of our humanity, the pioneers on the hard and difficult path of progress, who will take the places of their predecessors. The next great Manvantara will witness the men of our own life-cycle becoming the instructors and guides of a mankind whose monads may now yet be imprisoned – semi-conscious – in the most intellectual of the animal kingdom, while their lower principles will be animating, perhaps, the highest specimens of the vegetable world.”
The author just said; “the Watchers reigned over men who are themselves.” This brings us to the understanding of angels as humans. In the Bible, people eat with angels. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah reputedly wanted to have sex with them and Jacob wrestled with one. Jesus said that we might be entertaining angels without being aware of it. What one needs to understand is that angels become incarnated into humans in order to interact with humans and to have human experience. Their original nature is a shining Light body. In the Secret Doctrine and its teaching of evolution, souls start out on Earth in the mineral world, progress to the plant world, then to the animal, and finally to the human.
From The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manley Hall we learn that;
“Beyond the recognition of the uninitiated world is an ever-increasing aggregation composed of the spiritual Elect. Though they walk the Earth as ordinary mortals, they are of a world apart and through their ceaseless efforts the kingdom of God is being slowly but surely established upon Earth. These illumined souls are the builders of the New Jerusalem, and their bodies are the living stones in its walls. Lighted by the torch of truth they carry on their work, through their activities the golden age will return to the Earth and the power of sin and death will be destroyed. For this reason they declare that virtuous and illumined men, instead of ascending to heaven, will bring heaven down and establish it in the midst of Earth itself.”
Are we all doing this? It’s the reason we’re here. Jesus spoke of bringing God’s kingdom to Earth. In fact – he said it was already here, but we just don’t see it. We don’t understand what it is. While commenting on the Kingdom of Heaven, Elaine Pagels wrote that it symbolizes a state of transformed consciousness, and; “one attains that Kingdom when one attains self-knowledge. The Gospel of Thomas teaches that when one comes to know oneself at the deepest level, one simultaneously comes to know God as the source of one’s being. …When you come to know yourselves and discover the Divine within you, then you will recognize that it is you who are the sons of the Living Father – just like Jesus. In the Gospel of Philip one is to become not a Christian, but a Christ.” She goes on to say that Thomas says that finding the Kingdom of God requires undergoing a solitary process of self-discovery.
I think the following quote from Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Old Testament from Joshua to Solomon nicely sums up who our family is;
“Those souls who were in the higher consciousness and closer to the Spirit offered themselves as channels through which God’s love could reach and lift their fallen brothers. They came into the Earth to show the worldly minded things not of this world – the spiritual energies which are found only in the soul or higher self of an entity, and have their source in God. Only by seeing the Spirit in action could the Sons of Men begin to grasp what they had lost and forgotten.”
This last line is very important. Jesus was an example of the Spirit in action. What this last quote is saying is that we too are capable of doing what Jesus did – in all ways. It is just something humankind has lost and forgotten. The author goes on to say; “When the Earth reached its fullness, the Adamic race appeared in five places at once and became the highest order of material creation, yet subject now to all the temptations within that creation.” He goes on to say that the Adamic race fell in all five locations so a new plan was instituted; one nation was to be kept apart for a special service, directed by souls who were devoted to the search for God. “As teachers, leaders and lawgivers, they would direct the evolution of a spiritual consciousness and produce a race of ministers, priests, and prophets to instruct all men in the ways of the Spirit and lead them to the re-discovery of their souls.”
The author says that the plan advanced with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, but with Moses it took a great leap forward. Moses importance to Israel is that he gave them a common identity and purpose, and unlike the outward or exoteric religions of the other nations, all of Israel worshiped God as one alone. That nation kept apart is us. The souls of the Ecclesia became physically manifested as the tribes of Israel.
“….He (Seth) passed through the three parousias which I mentioned before: the flood, and the conflagration, and the judgment of the archons and the powers and the authorities, to save her (the race) who went astray, through the reconciliation of the world, and the baptism through a Logos-begotten body which the great Seth prepared for himself secretly through the virgin, in order that the saints may be begotten by the Holy Spirit, through invisible, secret symbols, through a reconciliation of the world with the world, through the renouncing of the world, and the god of the thirteen Aeons, and (through) the convocations of the saints and the Ineffable Ones, and (through) the incorruptible bosom, and (through) the Great Light of the Father, who pre-existed with his Providence, and established through her the holy baptism that surpasses the Heaven, through the incorruptible, Logos-begotten one, even Jesus the living one, even he whom the great Seth has put on. And through him, he nailed the powers of the thirteen Aeons, and established those who are brought forth and taken away. He armed them with an armor of knowledge of this truth, with an unconquerable power of incorruptibility.” Gospel of the Egyptians
In Laurence Caruana’s Glossary of Gnosticism he writes; “The role of the savior or redeemer in Gnosticism is as a revealer. The savior reveals the gnosis, to awaken the Elect and remind them of their true origin in the One. He does this by instigating certain rites, such as baptism, wherein the gnosis is revealed to the Elect.”
Edgar Cayce on Angel’s: “Edgar Cayce commented on the scepter in Israel during his Bible class in 1939. ‘It was prophesied by Jacob that the scepter would not depart from Judah till Shiloh come, which is to say Judah’s descendants would be the material channel for the birth of the Redeemer of the world (Christ). Jesus said in the New Testament, “This generation shall not pass away, until all these things are fulfilled. (Luke 21:32) The readings indicate that the generation is a group of souls who are returning to help fulfill the Earth’s spiritual destiny: the reuniting in consciousness of humanity with God. The readings have additional details about Israel being a soul group and not necessarily a physical race: “Israel is the chosen of the Lord,” the sleeping Cayce said, “and that His promises, His care, His love, has not departed from those that seek to know His way, that seek to see His face, this is the meaning, this should be the understanding to all. Those that seek are Israel. Know then, the scepter, the promise, the love, the glory of the Lord has not departed from them that seek His face.”
We are the original Israel, a soul group. But as we learn from Jesus in the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Lection 99; “And he said unto them. Love ye one another and all the creatures of God. Yet I say unto you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men or women in the image of God whose ways are ways of violence, of oppression and wrong, who choose a lie rather than the truth? Nay, verily, till they are born again and receive the Spirit of Love and Wisdom within their hearts. Then only are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are children of God, and for this cause came I into the world, and for this I have suffered at the hands of sinners.”
“The Cayce readings indicate that each person who is in the Earth for the close of the old and the beginning of the new millennium has chosen to be here for high spiritual reasons. “We’re all a part of it.”
“There were some readings of Edgar Cayce where the Archangel Michael came through; ‘I, Michael, Lord of the Sun, have wrapped my mantle of light about the dark planet Earth. Through the action of my fire, Earth will be purified and regenerated…The old chaotic Earth will fall into oblivion and a new Earth, or state of consciousness (my emphasis) will rise out of it. Dwell not upon material disaster, for I say to you that conditions will exist in this new world that will be of such beauty and harmony that the old world will be forgotten in the joy of the new life. The old material world is even now beginning to recede upon itself and it will fall under its own chaos. Listen deep within yourselves and you will know that I speak truth when I say that the Children of Light will not be conscious of the wind and the raging storm, for in their center, there is peace…I, Michael, have spoken.”