Mesopotamia – Part 1 of 2

A large part of our family story takes place in the areas between the Black and Caspian Seas and in the Caucasus and Zagros mountain ranges. The area denoted Asshur on the map was the land belonging to the descendants of Shem’s son Ashur, or Assur, who as noted in a previous post, was the same person known as Aser or Osiris. The Mitannians or Mithans were also referred to as being tied to the Israelites in another post. It can’t be seen well on the map, but Haran is located above and to the left of Mitanni. The area of Lake Van is where Shem and his family were said to have lived for a period after disembarking from the Ark. The civilization that preceded the Mesopotamian was the Ugaritic. To give the reader some idea of why it’s important to connect this civilization with the later Sumerian one, I refer to the following from the Quartz Hill School of Theology, found at;   and is titled; Ugarit and the Bible

“The ancient Canaanite city-state of Ugarit is of utmost importance for those who study the Old Testament. The literature of the city and the theology contained therein go a very long way in helping us to understand the meaning of various Biblical passages as well as aiding us in deciphering difficult Hebrew words. Ugarit was at its political, religious and economic height around the 12th century BCE and thus its period of greatness corresponds with the entry of Israel into Canaan. Why should people interested in the Old Testament want to know about this city and its inhabitants? Simply because when we listen to their voices we hear echoes of the Old Testament itself. Several of the Psalms were simply adapted from Ugaritic sources; the story of the flood has a near mirror image in Ugaritic literature; and the language of the Bible is greatly illuminated by the language of Ugarit

Ugarit experienced a very long history. A city was built on the site in the Neolithic period around 6000 BCE. The oldest written evidence of the city is found in some texts from the nearby city of Ebla written around 1800 BCE. At that time both Ebla and Ugarit were under Egyptian hegemony, which shows that the long arm of Egypt extended all along the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea (for Ugarit is located in modern day Syria roughly dead east of the NE coast of Cyprus on the coast of Syria). The population of Ugarit at that time was roughly 7635 people. The city of Ugarit continued to be dominated by the Egyptians through 1400 BCE. These texts, as mentioned above, are very important for Old Testament study. The Ugaritic literature demonstrates that Israel and Ugarit shared a common literary heritage and a common linguistic lineage. They are, in short, related languages and literatures. We can thus learn very much about the one from the other. Our knowledge of the religion of Ancient Syria-Palestine and Canaan has been greatly increased by the Ugaritic materials and their significance cannot be overlooked. We have here, as it were an open window on the culture and religion of Israel in its earliest period. The prophets of the Old Testament rail against Baal, Asherah and various other gods on nearly every page. The reason for this is simple to understand; the people of Israel worshipped these gods along with, and sometimes instead of, Yahweh, the God of Israel. This Biblical denunciation of these Canaanite gods received a fresh face when the Ugaritic texts were discovered, for at Ugarit these were the very gods that were worshipped.

El was the chief god at Ugarit. Yet El is also the name of God used in many of the Psalms for Yahweh; or at least that has been the presupposition among pious Christians. Yet when one reads these Psalms and the Ugaritic texts one sees that the very attributes for which Yahweh is acclaimed are the same for which El is acclaimed. Other deities worshipped at Ugarit were El Shaddai, El Elyon, and El Berith. All of these names are applied to Yahweh by the writers of the Old Testament. What this means is that the Hebrew theologians adopted the titles of the Canaanite gods and attributed them to Yahweh in an effort to eliminate them. If Yahweh is all of these there is no need for the Canaanite gods to exist! This process is known as assimilation.

Besides the chief god at Ugarit there were also lesser gods, demons, and goddesses. The most important of these lesser gods were Baal, Asherah, Yam (the god of the sea) and Mot (the god of death). What is of great interest here is that Yam is the Hebrew word for sea and Mot is the Hebrew word for death! Is this because the Hebrews also adopted these Canaanite ideas as well? Most likely they did. One of the most interesting of these lesser deities, Asherah, plays a very important role in the Old Testament. There she is called the wife of Baal; but she is also known as the consort of Yahweh! There is one Ugaritic text which seems to indicate that among the inhabitants of Ugarit, Yahweh was viewed as another son of El. KTU 1.1 IV 14 Among the other gods worshipped at Ugarit there are Dagon, Tirosch, Horon, Nahar, Resheph, Kotar Hosis, Shachar (who is the equivalent of Satan), and Shalem. The folks at Ugarit were also plagued by a host of demons and lesser gods.”

Plagued is a good word to use! The author of Legend; the Genesis of Civilization believes the Neolithic revolution originated in the Zagros mountains and gradually transferred to the Mesopotamian plain.  Most scholars agree that the ethnic Sumerians descended from the Ubaid culture of Ugarit in northern Mesopotamia. In the book just mentioned, the author wrote; “If the so-called Ubaid culture is indeed that of the Sumerians, then we may conclude that the Sumerians entered the lowlands from the mountains to the north-east because that is where their earliest pottery originates.”

Since people have been taught the ‘official’ history of the Earth, they have come to believe that the Bronze Age – which was roughly the same time period of the Ubaid culture, was very primitive. As far as we have been taught, humans were barely out of the Stone-Age then. The truth about the Bronze Age is that the Serpents of Wisdom, who were presiding over these civilizations, brought all aspects of modern culture to them. Thousands of clay tablets from Mesopotamia have been found. Among these are records from lawyers, doctors, merchants, schools, factories, architects and engineers. They have found records that prove that the Sumerians knew advanced math using the square and the cube root. Their cities had running water and indoor toilets. They built multi-story buildings. They had paved roads and intricate canal systems.

The Sumerians called themselves the ‘black headed people’. From the 1998 Grail issue of Temple Doors we learn that; “The black headed people did not claim to have invented any of the fundamentals of their remarkable civilization. In repeated writings the Sumerians claimed that gods came to Earth and taught them everything after having dredged the swamplands and built the cities. The Sumerian accounts repeatedly refer to both the primary gods such as Enlil, Enki, Ninurta, and Ninhursag and the lower ranking working gods, the Anunnaki, among which they counted a pickax god, a brick mold god, and a metal smith god…..speaking about the Anunnaki: Modern scholars have relegated these beings to the mythological or religious realm of a Sumerian pantheon. They dispute the Sumerians own descriptions of them as real, flesh and blood people who came to Earth to create and mentor them. And who are we to believe; the Sumerians themselves, who revolutionized the world, left a vast archaeological record of their accomplishments, and sought no credit for these accomplishments, or modern academics whose worldview descends from one that formerly denied the very existence of the Sumerians and now will not permit them such a history? Either the Sumerian gods were advanced human advisers and teachers as claimed in their cuneiform writing, or they were the creations of an ancient imagination.”

The author goes on to say that before the Sumerians, there were no bakers, harpists, carpenters, metal smiths, jewelers, artists, engineers, mathematicians, bureaucrats or scribes. These innovations appeared in their cities between 3700 BC and 3000 BC. They are also credited with inventing the wheel, chariot, bronze, sailboats mathematics and astrology. The author makes the statement, “So the few ancient, fast growing civilizations, the advanced nature of which we have archaeological proof – do not fit our theoretical modes. Perhaps, then, it is time to change the model. Who or what lit a fire under these cultures? Perhaps now is the time to take as truth the explanations of our ancient ancestors; these cultures were contacted and stimulated by an advanced race; the cultures in the rest of the world were not.” The true history of the Earth has been hidden from humankind. People in the academic world quickly learn that their tenures and reputations rest on towing the ‘official’ line.

In searching for the origins of the ‘fallen race’ of the Watchers or Anunnaki, Andrew Collins traveled to the Kurdish lands and spoke with the Kurds and Yezidis. He relates that, “Their most distant ancestors had, they say, migrated to the Mountain of the Madai, i.e. Kurdistan, from a foreign kingdom. That foreign kingdom was Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.”

The Yezidi are the spiritual and physical descendants of the Persian Magi, the ‘wise men’ who took gifts to the baby Jesus. They were also a branch of the Serpents of Wisdom. According to Collins, The Yezidis believe in a form of dualism, where they give equal respect to both the good and evil principles of their religion. Because they give equal respect to both sides, I believe that they acknowledge that there is a place for both sides in our dualistic universe. This is known as binary dualism. This line of thought believes that rather than opposing, they are complimentary dualities that balance each other out. The Essenes didn’t go so far as to revere the evil side – they completely ignored it, believing that thinking about it would give it power. The Yezidis are called angel worshipers. Some may think that the Essenes worshiped angels but in reality they just communed with them. They knew angels were here to help them, so they sought their aid in their lives. The Yezidis both revere and fear Satan or as they know him, Lasifarus. They believe he has already been forgiven by God and given another chance.

There was a rainy period in Egypt known as the Neolithic Sub pluvial or the Holocene Wet Phase. It was an extended period from about 7500–7000 BC to about 3500–3000 BC of wet and rainy conditions. At least one geologist noted that the sphinx on the Giza plateau shows wear patterns that could only have been caused by water erosion. Most scientists scoff at this because they believe that the sphinx and pyramids were built circa 3500 B.C. Others believe they could have been built as early as 8500 B.C. Either way, we can see that it could have been subject to water erosion during this wet phase. It’s very possible that our ancestors went to the Zagros Mountains during this period to escape the flooding in Egypt – as they lived on the Giza Plateau at the time. Collins speaks of an early civilization in Egypt dating to circa 12,000 B.C., and speculates that this could be earlier evidence of the fallen race’s migration. He says that the Egyptian elders who settled in Kurdistan circa 9000 B.C. transformed themselves into an, “advanced shamanistic culture that had a profound influence on the developing races of the surrounding foothills and plains.”

Collins states that, “Despite this continuation of the original knowledge of their race, they were unable to preserve much of the scientific and technological capabilities displayed in the cyclopean monuments of Egypt and the great cities beneath the plains of Cappadocia. …The ultimate tragedy of this surviving colony, recognized today as the Watchers of the Book of Enoch, is that they survived fire and flood as well as unknown personal catastrophes merely to have the glories of their race and the wonders of their civilization erased from world history.”

The cities beneath the plains of Cappadocia just referred to, is an interesting subject. Cappadocia is located in today’s Turkey. The land there is a soft volcanic rock. For whatever reason, be it a re-emergence of an Ice Age as some speculate, or as efforts to try to hide from beings in the skies as another author speculated, vast underground cities were built approximately 8000 years ago. One settlement was said to be able to house twenty thousand people. The author of Catal Huyuk; a Neolithic Town in Anatolia writes about bird-like shamans who appeared to be the precursors to the Zoroastrians and Magi priests of Persia and said that even circa 6500 B.C., their tradition was already many thousands of years old. Andrew Collins describes them as, “a tall race of bird-men, with white Caucasian features and long viper-like faces of east Asian appearance.” In my opinion that describes Pharaoh Akhenaten in the pictures we saw in an earlier post. This was also a description of the Masters of Wisdom from an earlier chapter. This may have been what the Anunnaki looked like and Ea/Enki, because he was a combination of serpent and bird, may have looked like a winged serpent. What may be hard for some people to come to grips with, is that the Essenes were the literal physical and spiritual descendants of these shamanistic, “viper-faced tall race of bird-men with white Caucasian features and long viper like faces of East Asian appearance.” Our ancestors were the Watchers, Nephilim, Anunnaki, ‘fallen angels’. But as we have learned, they were for the most part seen as a blessing to the people they lived among. If I am getting our story straight, at some point Marduk took over, and that’s when things really went downhill for humanity.

Ararat is not one mountain, but a range of mountains. In the book The Cradle of Mankind, the authors relate that animal sacrifices are offered up yearly on Al Judi, a mountain in the Ararat range by Christians, Shiite and Sunni Muslims, Mandeans, Jews and the Yezidis in remembrance of God saving Noah and his family. All these people believe that they, in particular, are descendants of Noah’s family.

This is the area where Enoch of the Bible lived. In Hebrews 11:15, is written; “It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying – he disappeared, because God took him. For, before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God.” From the earliest days of my research Enoch kept popping up. Edgar Cayce said that the soul who manifested in Jesus was the same soul as Enoch. The Book of Enoch was one of the main scriptures of the Essenes. In it, Enoch goes into detail about the transgressions and punishments of the fallen angels. Enoch was said to spend all his time with the angels in what is called the mountain of the Madai or Mount Parwan located in present day Azerbaijan. This was the same area where Abraham’s wife Hagar fled with her son Ishmael after Sarah’s jealousy caused Abraham to send her away. It was also the area where John the Baptist was raised.

The book of Enoch relates that in the days of Jared, who was fifth in descent from Adam through Seth, two hundred Watchers descended from the summit of Mount Hermon, which is located north of Damascus. Their intention was to take human women as wives. The Watchers swore an oath and bound themselves by ‘mutual imprecations’, apparently knowing full well the consequences their actions would have for themselves and for humanity.

Enoch then relates that, “The women became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells; who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh and drink the blood. Then the Earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.” The story goes on to relate the forbidden secrets that the Watchers taught their wives. Azazel taught metalworking, specifically how to make weapons, shields, knives, breastplates, etc. Not a usual occupation one associates with angels! They also taught the art of jewelry making and how to make and use makeup. Azazel was accused of teaching women the enjoyment of sex and of encouraging promiscuity. Many authors say that Satan and Azazel are the same being, but in the Book of Enoch, Azazel is subject to Satan. The Watchers were also accused of teaching humans about meteorology, or weather forecasting, astronomy, the magical arts, the seasoning of food, the use of plants in medicine, and writing. One Watcher named Kasdeja was said to have shown “the children of men all the wicked smiting’s of spirits and demons, and the smiting’s of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away.”

According to Muslim legend, Azazel was cast out of Heaven for refusing to bow down before Adam. In the Jeshua channelings, Jeshua says that the reason for Satan’s rebellion was because, “his brother Satan felt rejected by God.” Some people identify Satan with Cain of the Old Testament who killed his brother Abel because Abel’s offering was accepted by God, while Cain’s was not. This could be a reason why Satan, if he was Cain, felt rejected by God.

In the Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki lived in a settlement called Kharsag Kurra in the Taurus mountain range of Turkish Kurdistan, west of Lake Van.  The texts detail several harsh winters with severe cold and floods that caused the Anunnaki to abandon their mountain settlement and move to the valley below. The texts show very human Anunnaki who suffer from food poisoning, fight flooding with dikes and culverts, and suffer from the bitter cold. If they were possessors of some great supra-natural power, it’s not evident in the ancient texts. Andrew Collins figures the time of the Anunnakis descent onto the Mesopotamian plain to be circa 5500 B.C. He concludes with this regarding the Anunnaki;

“Their survival into mythology is a hollow victory. We can only guess at the sense of loss they must have felt coming into the age of Neolithic man. To see the knowledge they had preserved, the achievements they had made and the struggles behind their survival all being reduced to grossly distorted folktales must have been a painful blow. …There is ample evidence to suggest that these Egyptian colonists were responsible for the Neolithic explosion that eventually led to the gradual emergence of civilization in the Near East around 5000 BC. Some of this slow release of information had, I feel, been carefully calculated, but knowledge concerning the fall of the Watchers would imply that some of those involved took matters into their own hands and decided, for their own gain, to reveal further wisdom and knowledge to humanity.”

There are many views as to the ‘knowledge’ granted to humankind by the ‘fallen’ angels. One view is that the information was not meant to be kept from humans but was given too early, when humankind had not progressed enough to use the knowledge wisely. Another view is that there are two sides to the ‘fallen angels’ – one that is for human progress and the other which is against it. The side against human progress doesn’t want them to have knowledge. The view expressed by Mr. Collins that some of the fallen angels gave humans knowledge for their (the angels) gain, is probably true in any case. The Mesopotamian texts make it clear that humans dna was manipulated in order to make a more advanced human, not for the benefit of humans, but in order to make a more intelligent worker to do the Anunnaki’s bidding.

It’s quite common today to hear that Sumerian was the first written language. However, scholars have traced what they believe to be the earlier form of this language to the Transylvanian village of Tartaria in the Balkans. According to Laurence Gardner, this writing precedes the Sumerian by a thousand years. Gardner believes that the Sumerians migrated from ancient Scythia and the Black Sea regions. On one of the tablets found in Tartaria, the Sumerian god Enki is listed and the name of the Sumerian city of Ur, where Abraham lived, is derived from the Scythian word Ur, which means ‘Lord’. I have often wondered if the word Scythian stems from ‘Sethian’. One of the main movements of our people across Europe was that of the Scythians, a nomadic horse riding people who were later called Celt-Iberians. Iberia was an early name for present-day France, Spain and Portugal. Iberia is just another way to spell ‘Hebrew’.

Laurence Gardner takes the position that the Adam of the Hebrew Old Testament was not the first man. In his words; “He is traditionally recorded as being the first man, and in this regard he was the first of a uniquely advanced strain of Homo sapiens, sapiens.” I believe the paradox of Adam of the Bible being shown to be from roughly ten thousand B.C. and the origins of the first humans being millions of years ago is clarified in the readings of Edgar Cayce.  According to Cayce, what is represented in the Book of Genesis is when the latest human, the Adamic human who came equipped with the ‘Tree of Life’ within it was created. In those readings, Cayce related how all of Creation celebrated the arrival of the ‘True Human’ Adam and Eve. Cayce said that there were five Adamic couples transplanted to five different locations on Earth that represent the current five races of humanity.

The texts unearthed from ancient Mesopotamia tell the story of the Anunnaki. Their leaders were Anu and his sons Enlil and Enki. Their numbers seem to have been few. The texts relate stories of very human people who have family squabbles, make wine and beer and get drunk, die by accident and injury, and rule over the Near East. I would like to clarify that the black-haired people were originally from Atlantis. One Hopi medicine man said that the black-haired people of Atlantis scattered all around the Earth and the color of their skin changed but their hair remained black. According to Laurence Gardner, in Genesis of the Grail Kings, “In the ancient Sumerian text from Nippur, it is specifically stated that “Anu, Enlil, Enki and Nin-khursag had themselves fashioned the black-haired people, those called the Sumerians – the very race whose mysterious origin, language and culture have never been fathomed.” Enlil was described as “the serpent with the shining eyes”. The Anunnaki were known as the ‘shining ones’. The Anunnaki with Anu presiding, were the ‘assembly of gods’ mentioned in the 82nd chapter of Psalms in the Bible.

We saw earlier in the story how Biblical characters became embedded in pagan pantheons of gods. Things are equally confusing in our history in Mesopotamia. To begin with, in the ancient Sumerian tablets and according to Jewish texts, Cain was not fathered by Adam, but by Yaldabaoth or one of his sons. The Talmudic Jews say Cain was fathered by Satan, who is Enki, and I have to agree with them – even though the Talmudic Jews are the dark side of the Satantists, and so I disagree with them on everything else. To give you an idea of what I have been grappling with, I give the following example:

In the gnostic text, the Pistis Sophia, which was dictated by Jesus to the apostle Philip, Jesus says that five of the rulers were repentant and forgiven. One of these is Ares of the Roman pantheon. I have the following identities for Ares: According to the Jews, Gnostics and Romans, he was Mars. According to Helena Blavatsky he was Cain. According to the Jews, he was Satan and Samael, which is another name for Yaldabaoth. So here we see that Yaldabaoth was possibly Satan, but if he is the same as Ares, he has been forgiven!

Trying to tie-in the Anunnaki and Yaldabaoth and his sons, and Satan and the fallen angels together in some recognizable picture at this point seems untenable.

The Mesopotamian texts describe how the Anunnaki divided up the lands and the family members moved to their areas, established cities, and ruled over the people in their lands. Their cities spread as far east as Mojenjo Daro in present day Pakistan. The Anunnaki vied with each other not only for land and status, but also for the veneration of their subjects.  Their inter-necine rivalries can be found in the Old Testament in the wars of the kings. When Jehovah tells his people not to worship Asherah or Baal, he is referring to family members. Something I am still not convinced of is whether or not Jehovah and Yahweh denote the same deity. The Freemasons say that Yahweh is a, “higher expression” of Jehovah, which makes perfect sense to me. To understand this, you need to understand that Yahweh is the Logos and the Holy Spirit. Yaldabaoth/Jehovah is an emanation from them through whom our world was created. Laurence Gardner says this about the Anunnaki;

“Every item of written and pictorial attestation confirms that the ancient Sumerians were absolutely sincere about the existence of the Anunnaki, and those such as Enki, Enlil, Nin-khursag and Inanna fulfilled Earthly functions with designated community duties. They were patrons and founders; they were teachers and justices; they were clinical technologists, agriculturalists and kingmakers. …I can find absolutely no way to explain the phenomenon of the Anunnaki beyond that which was originally recorded – and text after text says precisely the same thing: they were the ‘mighty ones of eternity’, the ‘lofty ones from on high’, the heroes of yore; their Nephilim ambassadors came down and their kingship was lowered from heaven.”

Gardner comments that in existing depictions of the Anunnaki they look quite human, tall, with large eyes and usually bearded. He makes reference to “archaic figurines from around 500 B.C. which depict characters with expressly serpentine features.” I have displayed those pictures in an earlier post. Gardner doesn’t feel the figures have anything to do with the Anunnaki, but notes that records do indicate that the word serpent was used in a descriptive manner with Nin-Khursag called the Serpent Lady and Enlil the ‘serpent with the shining eyes’.  He also notes that the facial characteristics of these statuettes are similar to some found on other “…deiform representations from as far afield as the Carpathian and Transylvanian regions above the Black Sea.” Gardner notes the Scots Gaels migrated to Ireland from the Black Sea kingdom of Scythia and an old Irish word which signifies a serpent or dragon is sumaire. He wrote that the Anunnaki tradition was widespread within the Fertile Crescent and even across central Europe to the Balkans.

In the Mesopotamian texts, it’s Enlil who caused the Flood because the people were ‘too noisy’. In those texts it is Enlils brother Enki who warns Ziusudra, the Chaldean version of Noah, to build a boat. The Old Testament itself is evidence of the wrath of Jehovah against not only his enemies but also towards the Israelites. The Mesopotamian texts detail how Enlil himself opened the gates of his cities to invaders because they had given their loyalty to his nephew Marduk.  When one reads the ancient texts the Book of Jubilees and Jasher, the early patriarchs can’t emphasize enough how their descendants are to serve Jehovah with fear and humbleness and strive to avoid his wrath.

It would be easy to think that the entire Old Testament is corrupted because of infernal influence from ‘fallen’ angels, however, the truth is that Christ and Pistis Sophia never stopped intervening between humanity and the archons. In fact, I believe that Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth and Pistis Sophia are the same Archangel. The most perplexing paradox that I have faced in my research, is that those very same ancestors, i.e. ‘fallen’ angels, were and are the same beings perpetuating the esoteric and exoteric religions. So if they were corrupt, how could their religions be anything but corrupt? The answer is that not all of them were corrupt, and their thoughts were not their own. They were in some, not all, ways, directed in their actions by a higher source. That is not to say that spiritual practices don’t become corrupt with time through human and dark spiritual influence, as they most certainly do. That’s why God periodically send Messiahs to correct humankind’s course and seed a greater spirituality on Earth.

The Sumerian texts detail how Enki and his sister Ninhursag create a man named Adapa who is believed to be the Biblical Adam. In another text, Adapa/Adam is described as a high priest and the first human of the royal seed, the first priest-king of the Enki bloodline. So this would make Enki/Ea the parent of Adam and Eve, and ‘God’. In another post we learned that the ‘Mirothoe’ created Ea/Ia. The Mirothoe is the Holy Spirit. So that would make Ea her son. I believe what we are seeing here is the second part of the Trinity, the Mother, creating the third part, the Son.  If Ea/Enki is Yahweh Sabaoth, as I believe, then he is the God of the Israelites and the ‘true’ God – at least of this particular creation. He is not Source.

I have seen many scholars grapple with this issue. I can only say that I don’t believe I will ever know the truth in this lifetime, unless I get enlightened, which I hope will happen soon. Regardless, we were made like an archetype from above, the Heavenly Adamas and were created in Gods image. One author said that Adam was the first man that the Lord of Spirits created. The Lord of Spirits is Sabaoth, Captain of the Heavenly Host and also Yahweh. Interestingly, Laurence Gardner said that the meaning of the name Enki is ‘archetype’. The Heavenly Adamas and his son Seth were archetypes.  That there might be a tie-in between Enki and Seth would be no surprise to me. If so, then Enki/Ea is the same as the Logos, Adam, Enoch, Seth, Shem, Yeshua and all the other incarnations of the Logos. The author Mark Pinkham says that Enki was a manifestation of the Primal Serpent. The Primal Serpent is the Logos.

In the Mesopotamian texts, it’s Enki, a Serpent of Wisdom, who encourages Adam and Eve to partake of knowledge and his brother Enlil who doesn’t want them to have knowledge and so throws them out of the Garden. Some believe the rivalry between the brothers and their different outlooks regarding humans is still being played out to this day. In the ancient texts, Enki had created Adapa/Adam specifically as a leader of humankind from his own seed. I believe he did this so that the Anunnaki themselves would not have to be bothered with governing people.  Enki created other humans from the blood of an Anunnaki named Kingu. Gardner puts the creation of Adapa/Adam at about 3800 B.C. This particular Adam could well be the ‘Caucasian Adam’ spoken of by Edgar Cayce, who had come from the Caucasus mountain range, an early home of the Anunnaki. Cayce dated this ‘white Adam’ to about 10,000 B.C. These dates more than anything else, tell me that not all humans stem from this particular ‘Adam’. DNA haplo-groups can be traced for tens of thousands of years, yet we see that this line is less than twelve thousand years old. My particular haplo-group, which is ‘T’ originated in that area circa 10,000 B.C. The Biblical Adam would have been from a black-haired female and Ea/Enki, who was most likely a Sirian/Nibiruan hybrid.

I quoted Helena Blavatsky previously who made the remark about the disfigured allegories of Cain and Abel and the righteous Noah and his family. I don’t know in what way the allegories are misunderstood, but I can tell you that there are many indications that the line from Cain didn’t die out. Cain’s brother Seth’s line led to Noah, however, one of Noah’s wives might have been a descendant of Cain, therefore Cain’s blood could be in the line. Or, as I mentioned earlier, the lines could have conjoined with the daughter of the patriarch Enosh/Enoch of the Sethian line who married her cousin Cain. Laurence Gardner cites “ancient family records” of the royal houses of Europe in tracing his extensive genealogy of the lines of Seth and Cain and shows their Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mitannian, Chaldean, Scythian, Trojan, Greek, and Israelite lines and touches on their migrations across Europe.

The Hebrew patriarch Abraham was mentioned by the early twentieth century archaeologist Sir Charles Leonard Woolley who stated that there was a need to reassess our view of him when, “we see that his earlier years were spent in such sophisticated surroundings.”  According to Laurence Gardner in Genesis of the Grail Kings, “Indeed, as will be revealed, Abraham was actually descended from a daughter of the great King Ur-nammu who built the ziggurat Temple of Ur.” He went on to say, “Here was positive proof of the world’s oldest and greatest civilization – a highly advanced culture which had already existed for 2000 years before the ancient Egyptian civilization began, and which had emerged 4000 years before the earliest civilization in Greece.”

These are depictions of Ur-Nammu;

In his book From the Ashes of Angels Andrew Collins talks about Sir Charles Leonard Woolley’s discovery of the mound settlement of Tell al-Ubaid some four miles to the north of the city of Ur that was the home of Abraham and his family. Collins mentions that, “There is every reason to suggest that these people were the distant ancestors of the much troubled Marsh Arabs of modern-day Iraq.”  These modern-day marsh Arabs referred to are none other than the Mandeans who are mentioned in other of my posts, and as stated, John the Baptist was a Mandean.

As far as our family’s Mesopotamian history, I recommend the ancient text the Book of Jasher.  In Jasher, one feels like they are reading the original of the Old Testament – which is quite possible. The book of Jasher is mentioned twice in the canonical Bible. Jasher was Moses’ staff bearer. In Jasher, there is a much fuller rendering of the familiar Bible stories. When discussing the Old Testament of the Bible, it’s important to know that the Hebrews had no written religious texts before 600 B.C. when the ten northern tribes of Israelite’s were taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar. At that time, scribes wrote down an Israelite history from the original Mesopotamian texts. The ten northern tribes, known as Samaritans, hated the two southern tribes of Judah and Levi, possibly because Judah and Levi had been given leadership roles over the other ten tribes by Jacob-Israel. I believe that as a result of this strife between the sons of Jacob-Israel, the compilers of the Old Testament, who were from the ten northern tribes, played down the importance of the royal line, their connection to Egypt, and the mystic side of their religion.

The Bible calls Abraham a resident of Ur of the Chaldees. There seems to be some confusion as to where this Ur was located. I believe it was in upper Mesopotamia in the area of modern Edessa in Turkey. I read somewhere that this is the ‘second Ur’. The previous name of Edessa was Urfa. Edessa was vitally important to our ancestors, the Crusaders. In fact, it was ranked in importance right after Jerusalem in their efforts to re-take the Holy Land from the Muslims. There was also an Ur in southern Mesopotamia. The settlement of Haran mentioned in the Bible was named after Abraham’s brother Haran. The settlers of Ur of the Chaldees came from the area surrounding Mt. Ararat in what is modern day Armenia, circa 1500 B.C. The Chaldees were also known as Chaldeans. The Chaldean civilization was established by Nimrod, the son of Kush, who was the son of Ham, the son of Noah. Another name for Nimrod is Sargon the Great.

According to the research of Alice Linsley, Abraham’s mother was the daughter of a priest associated with the Egyptian shrine of Karnack. She says; “This is evident from the name of her father, called Karnevo in the Babylonian Talmud. Karnevo would have been a Horite since the shrine of Karnack was dedicated to Horus, called the ‘son of God’.” Alice says that as a Horite ruler, Abraham’s father Terah ruled over the territory of the Euphrates River. She makes the comment that the Horites appear to have been a confederation of numerous clans including the House of Sheba and the House of Joktan. Alice talks of the importance to our ancestors of preserving a kinship pattern wherein priests marry daughters of priests. She believes that the importance of that was because they believed that God had made a promise that a son would be born of a woman who would crush the serpent’s head and restore Paradise. She states that the promised son was to be born in Bethlehem, which was a Horite settlement. Alice mentions Horite settlements between Mt. Hor near Petra and Mt. Hor near Sela. She says that this is an important piece of information because it links Abraham’s father to the land of Canaan and identifies him as a Horite. Terah was named after his maternal grandfather Terah the Horite. This means that Abraham’s mother was from Canaan.

We will see a few instances in this text of an Ethiopian tie-in within our family. Alice says that in the Ethiopian chronicle Nazum al-jawahir, Terah’s wives are given as Tohwait, mother of Sarai, and Yawnu mother of Abraham. The plot thickens though, as Alice wrote; “Tohwait is also recorded in the Syriac Marath Gaze as Naharyath, who is to be identified with Ngry-ta-Thewnen, the former wife of Pharaoh Amenemhet I. Her son by this marriage was the succeeding Pharaoh – Senusret I – the very pharaoh who claimed Sarai for his wife. This is not surprising, since Sarai was Senusret’s maternal half-sister (as well as being Abraham’s paternal half-sister) and it was common practice for Egyptian pharaohs to marry their sisters in order to progress the kingship through the female line. With this in mind, could it perhaps be that Isaac was not the son of Abraham after all, but the son of Sarai and the Pharaoh?

Alice isn’t the only one who has questioned this. According to Laurence Gardner in Genesis of the Grail Kings;

“If Isaac were the son of Pharaoh Senusret, then the seemingly enigmatic details of the covenant would fall very neatly into place. We could even readily understand Sarai’s change of name to Sarah (Princess). Similarly the introduction of the Egyptian custom of circumcision would make sense, as would the prospect of future dynastic kingship in the Egyptian domain. It would even explain the relevance of the mysterious ‘birthright’ that was eventually sold by Isaac’s son Esau to his brother Jacob.”

Gardner remarks that the story of Isaac and his search for a wife paint a different picture of Abraham than is normally portrayed in the Bible.  Abraham appears, “Not as an everyday nomad, but as a wealthy ruler with gold, silver, camels, herds and a large household of servants.” Gardner notes that this picture of Abraham fits better with his brief portrayal as a military commander who defeated armies of four kings to rescue his nephew Lot, and it is more in keeping with his family’s original high station in the Chaldean city of Ur.

At Family Tree DNA Company, they have dna haplo-groups categorized in various ways, such as by last name or country of origin. I have looked for matches in all of them. My dad’s dna profile matches those of the Sephardim, the ‘southern’ Jews. Alice Linsley mentions that Genesis 10:30 tells us that these were the clans whose dwelling place extended from Mesha “all the way to Sephar, the eastern mountain range.” Sephar is quite likely the origin of the appellation of Sephardim. They are called Horites in Genesis 14:6, 36:20 and in Deuteronomy 2:12. The following is taken from the Book of Noah which is appended to the Book of Enoch, which at one time was part of the Canonical Bible:

“And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son.  And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.  And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of Righteousness. And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his father Methuselah. And he said unto him: ‘I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of Heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious. And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the Earth. And now, my father, I am here to petition thee and implore thee that thou mayest go to Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling-place is amongst the angels.’

And when Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me to the ends of the Earth; for he had heard that I was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him. And I said unto him: ‘Behold, here am I, my son, wherefore hast thou come to me?’ And he answered and said: ‘Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to thee, and because of a disturbing vision have I approached. And now, my father, hear me: unto Lamech my son there hath been born a son, the like of whom there is none, and his nature is not like man’s nature, and the color of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun, and he opened his eyes and thereupon lighted up the whole house. And he arose in the hands of the midwife, and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of heaven. And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me, and did not believe that he was sprung from him, but that he was in the likeness of the Angels of Heaven; and behold I have come to thee that thou mayest make known to me the truth.’

And I, Enoch, answered and said unto him: The Lord will do a new thing on the Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and make known to thee that in the generation of my father Jared some of the angels of heaven transgressed the word of the Lord. And behold they commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with women and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begot children by them. And they shall produce on the Earth giants not according to the Spirit, but according to the flesh, and there shall be a great punishment on the Earth, and the Earth shall be cleansed from all impurity. Yea, there shall come a great destruction over the whole Earth, and there shall be a deluge and a great destruction for one year. And this son who has been born unto you shall be left on the Earth, and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the Earth shall die [he and his sons shall be saved]. And now make known to thy son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son, and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you, and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction, which shall come upon the Earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness, which shall be consummated on the Earth in his days. And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the Earth; for I know the Mysteries of the Holy Ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me and informed me, and I have read (them) in the Heavenly Tablets.”

I believe this ‘new thing’ referred to above was to create a more superior human, to put humans and erring angels on more even ground. In another ancient text that relates this same story, Lamech’s wife swears she hasn’t mated with anyone other than Lamech, yet we see that Noah looks like an ‘angel child’. There is debate about whether there ever was a world-wide flood that destroyed all humans. A study done by Stanford university found that the Earth’s population may have shrank to as few as 2000 before numbers rose again in the early Stone Age. Even Jesus in one of the Nag Hammadi texts says that others of the Un-dominated Race were saved along with Noah. My point here is that I am not sure if all humans are descendants of Noah and his family or not. The Bible makes it clear that there were still giants on the Earth after the flood, but the Israelite’s weren’t giants, but were like ‘grasshoppers’ to the giants.

End of Part One