Egypt – Part 1 of 3

“(The Egyptians)… traced their race back to a mythological period when the gods themselves walked the Earth and with their own power established the double empire of the Nile. The Egyptians did not dream that these divine progenitors were the Atlantean’s, who, forced to abandon their seven islands because of volcanic cataclysms, had immigrated into Egypt then an Atlantean colony, where they established a great philosophic and literary center of civilization which was later to influence profoundly the religions and science of unnumbered races and peoples.” The Secret Teachings of All Ages

The mythological period known as Tep Zepi was a golden age when the gods lived with humankind. These gods were the Neteru, the Shining Ones, the Watchers, the Nephilim. The author of The Knights of the Holy Grail tells their story;

“In ancient Egypt, the first initiates that are described in the Pyramid Texts are the Shemsa-Hor, the Followers of Horus. These were priestly initiates who transmitted an extraordinary body of knowledge from master to pupil down through the generations. The origin of this knowledge lay in the mysterious ‘time of the Neteru’, when the gods supposedly ruled Egypt immediately prior to the time of the earliest pharaohs. These initiates were not necessarily kings, but immensely powerful and enlightened individuals carefully selected by an elite academy that established itself at the sacred site of Heliopolis-Giza in the era of Egyptian prehistory. These initiates preserved the body of mystical knowledge, or gnosis that was the foundation of Jewish mysticism in biblical times that was later transmitted into Europe by the Rex Deus families.”

He goes on to say that the Turin Papyrus lists the names of these gods and the later dynasties of the pharaoh’s. The papyrus shows incredibly long reigns of the Neter, or gods, or Elohim, which was followed by that of a mysterious priesthood known as the Shemsu Hor. Horus was the last Neter god. These were the ‘divine’ dynasties. These priests were also known as the Akhu, which means ‘the Shining Ones.’ I have just recently learned that the Shining Ones is the name used for the beings who live within our sun – which is called Sol. The author wrote; “This mysterious race has also been linked to the fish deities who were said to have come from the sea. More specifically they were said to have come from a submerged land, which inevitably evokes tales of the lost continent of Atlantis.”

The author says that before they were in Egypt, they had come from ancient Sumeria. The Shining Ones settled in other places around the globe. In India they were known as the Nagas, in Mesoamerica as the Feathered Serpents, and in China they were known as the Water Beings. These are all names for the Serpents of Wisdom. The reference to the fish deities, refers to the fact that they were spiritual initiates and lived part of the time in the spiritual world. Water was equated with spirit in the Mystery teachings. We learn more from the author of Mysteries of the Bridechamber;

“But in times beyond our direct recall – times we regard as mythic, possibly around 11,000 BCE, which the Egyptians called the First Time, the time of the elder Gods, thousands of years before the generally accepted genesis of civilization – this direct flow from the top downward began a process of devolution. The Horus kings were mortal, it is true; but hawk-headed Horus himself is credited with being one of the oldest gods of Egypt, older even than the Great Ennead, a Neolithic prince, the son of the great God Atum. Horus was identified with the sun god Re and regarded as the lord of this natural world even as his father Atum, was the Lord of the divine realm.

Horus’ rule was followed by a pantheon of five gods and four goddesses who were known as the Watchers who brought arts and civilization to Egypt. The lineage declined in status with time to a lesser ennead, then a line of demi-gods, then divine souls, the Shemsu-Hor, and then the mortal Horus kings circa 3100 B.C.”

Our ancestors established the solar Mystery religion in Egypt. At the head of the ruler-ship stood the divine king and below him the prophets who were the high initiates who instructed the priests below them in the law and tenets of their religion. The prophets taught the sacred knowledge, or secret teachings of how to attain enlightenment. The prophets were from a line that began in Lemuria. They were originally Followers of the Law of One and were known in Egypt as the Great White Brotherhood and later as the Therapeutae. In the book The Mysteries of the Bridechamber, the author Raphael Patai is quoted and he refers to these priests as the “Heru Shemsu, the illustrious companions or initiates of Horus” and says that they were the originators of Jewish alchemy. He describes them as; “Exceptionally tall and high-skulled, and had come from the Karakorum settlements of central Asia, where they were known as the Sons of the Sun….In Egypt, the race of holy Watchers was an integral part of the great Osiris and Isis religious tradition and was worshipped as a source of blessing to the human race.”

If you recall, I mentioned a high-skulled people in Atlantis.  Victoria LePage says that the occult circles regard these high-skulled Sons of the Sun as advanced beings from the star Sirius. There are many reasons to believe that the pictures below depict what some of our ancestors looked like!


            Meritaten                     Nefertiti

The two labeled are carved stone busts of two of our relatives. Nefertiti and Meritaten were of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Our ancestors were known then as the Amarna Kings. Meritaten is better known to us as Miriam, sister of Moses. In what I can only say is astounding, many very learned people believe that Moses was the Pharaoh Akhenaten – or if not him, an official in his entourage named Thoth-Moses. Akhenaten is credited by many to have been the first monotheist, but he just re-instated the worship of the One began in Lemuria.

From The Edgar Cayce Readings we learn that; “The entity then was in that land now known as the Egyptian, during the period when the princess Hatherpsut (the entity’s mother) was in power; and the entity’s name was Sidiptu, hence a sister of that leader Moses, the lawgiver of Israel. During the reign of the mother, the entity was associated with those people later despised on account of the love that the mother found in association with a people’s (the Hebrews). And the entity was then pledged to one of the leaders of Israel, in the house of Levi; and being despoiled by an Egyptian, it was this one that the brother, Moses, slew, hence causing that disruption which brought at the latter period of the mother’s and the entity’s sojourn in the land – a new pharaoh to the ruling of the peoples”.

Cayce goes on to say that Egypt was almost divided over this incident. The mother was Moses adoptive mother the princess Hatherpsut (Hatshepsut) who loved the Israelite’s and whose adopted son Moses, was an Israelite. Cayce goes on to say; “While the entity may be said to have gained and lost, (in soul development) through the experience, under the tutelage of those peoples with whom the brother was associated – as did the entity’s mother – much understanding  was brought of the legends of a people that had been called for a particular service.” This fascinating information gives us insight into the reason why Moses killed the Egyptian. It was because the Egyptian ‘despoiled’ i.e. raped, Moses sister. It also tells us that Moses was the brother of the daughter of Pharaoh Hatshepsut who was a very powerful female pharaoh. The people despised were the Israelite’s, known as the Habiru, who inhabited the fertile delta region of the Nile known as the Land of Goshen in the Bible. The above quote also shows that a daughter of Hatshepsut was engaged to be married to, “one of the leaders of Israel, in the House of Levi.” Those people called for a particular service – are us!

According to the book Sacred Symbols of Mu; “An Egyptian record says that Moses was the son of an Egyptian princess who afterwards became the great queen and pharaoh Hatshepsut.”

Tim Wallace-Murphy,  author of Hidden Wisdom; Secrets of the Western Esoteric Tradition wrote that; “…according to Freud, Moses was, in fact, a high official in the entourage of Akhenaten called Thuthmose, who chose the Hebrew tribe living at Goshen to be his followers and then led them out of Egypt. Freud’s theory was virulently refuted by many, mainly Jewish scholars, who chose as the focus of their attack not Freud, but Akhenaten and the religion he founded. They hoped that by debunking the religion of Atenism and slandering Akhenaten’s reputation with the mix of abuse and invective common to all theological disputes, Freud’s theories would be devalued and negated. This is truly ironic, for it has now become apparent that the most likely candidate for the role of Moses in history was not Thuthmose, but Akhenaten himself.”

Mr. Wallace-Murphy goes on to say that in 1991, “A meticulous scholar named Ahmed Osman published research proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the biblical figure of Moses was the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten himself. Akhenaten had tried to institute a monotheistic belief in Egypt that nearly provoked civil war; one that had within it, oddly enough, the concept of a Trinity. To refute the claim that Akhenaten was not the rightful heir to the twin thrones of Egypt, his followers called him the ‘Son’, that is the rightful heir to Amenhotep III. The Egyptian word for son is Mos.” The time period of the rulers of this and the succeeding dynasty is the most well-known of all the Egyptian dynasties. They included Tutankhamun whose rich burial tomb was discovered by Sir Leonard Woolley in the early 1900’s. They also included the famous Queen Nefertiti whose stone bust we just saw.

What Akhenaten did was reinstate the original monotheism of our ancestors. In fact, he took the worship of the One out of the realm of the elite and gave it to everyone. The lower priests, as all the exoteric religions, had a pantheon of gods, while the esoteric side believed in one God represented by the Sun. This move was very disruptive to Egyptian society. Akhenaten didn’t help matters when he separated himself from the majority of the people by building a new royal city called Akhetaten, now known as Amarna. The Biblical story relates that the Israelite’s left carrying the wealth of Egypt with them. This makes more sense when one realizes that it was the upper class royalty and their entourage of artists, scribes and craftsmen, i.e. the national elite, who left. The historical records say that Akhetaten, Akhenaten’s capital city, was deserted all at once. Archeologists found that meals were left uneaten on tables and children’s toys still lay on the floor where they had been playing with them.

More on the subject of Egyptian belief is found in the book Legend; the Genesis of Civilization;

“The Egyptians were both polytheists and monotheists, or rather syncretists at the same time. There is no doubt that they worshipped many gods – some very exotic in form and nature. But they also believed in the one great creator god who was both male and female. This bisexual monoplicity may seem rather confusing but is quite simple really. The single, all-encompassing creator goddess had many manifestations, each of which served to represent a different aspect of his her character. …But remember that the Egyptians themselves constantly refer to God in the singular.”

This is very important to remark on, the fact that the Egyptians saw their pantheon as different aspects of the one God, as all the other Gnostic religions would have believed this as well. As I stated before, these pantheons were meant to put human qualities on the face of God so that people could relate to them. That same author equates Asar Luhi of the Sumerians with the Assyrian god Ashur and makes the statement that the Bible identifies him as Ashur son of Shem and grandson of Noah. Ashur was the founder of the Assyrian empire. The author believes that he also has an Egyptian identity. He wrote; “We know the great pharaonic god of agricultural fertility as Osiris after his Greek name, whereas the Egyptians simply knew him as Asar.”

The preceding is an example of the multiple identities of the same person that I have run up against repeatedly in my research. It also confirms the Egyptian tie-in with the family of the biblical patriarchs. We also see a tie-in with a son of Shem – Ashur, with a pagan Greek version (Osiris) of a name of an Egyptian god, Asar! We will see more of this and it doesn’t get any less confusing! From the ancient text, The Testament of Levi, who was one of the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel, we see additional evidence of the patriarchs in Egypt. The Jochebed and Ambram mentioned in the following were the physical parents of Moses. Levi states;

“And Jochebed was born in Egypt, in my sixty-fourth year, for I was renowned then in the midst of my brethren. And in the ninety-fourth year Ambram took Jochebed my daughter to him to wife, for they were born in one day, he and my daughter. Eight years old was I when I went into the land of Canaan, and eighteen years when I slew Shechem, and at nineteen years I became priest, and at twenty-eight years I took a wife, and at forty-eight I went into Egypt. And behold, my children, ye are a third generation. In my hundred and eighteenth year Joseph died.”

From the book Pharaohs and Kings a Biblical Quest we learn; “The Amarna Habiru do not simply bear a striking resemblance to David’s Hebrews – they are David’s Hebrews.”  Tel El (city of) Amarna is a later name for Akhenaten’s city called Akhetaten. Habiru is, to me, obviously the Egyptian word for the Semitic word Hebrew. There are many references in the Old Testament of the Bible to Egyptian tie-ins with the Israelite’s. II Chronicles 8:11 states that King Solomon’s principle wife was pharaoh’s daughter.

The more familiar connection of the Israelite’s and Egypt comes in the story of Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob-Israel who was sold by his brothers to a passing caravan of merchants. Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold as a slave. In the biblical story, Joseph is able to interpret the dreams of the Pharaoh and warn him of an impending drought and famine. His interpretation of the Pharaoh’s dream came true and Joseph was made Vizier, second only to Pharaoh in the administration of the government of Egypt. It says in the Bible that Joseph was a father to pharaoh but I don’t think Christians really ponder what that means. Once in the royal family, wouldn’t it make sense that one would continue to be in the royal family?

The author of the book Custodians of Truth has this to say;  The Bible records that when Joseph revealed his true identity to his brothers, he said; … ‘it was not you that sent me hither, but God; and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout the land of Egypt.’ (Genesis 45:8). The phrasing of this passage enabled Osman to identify Joseph with Yuya, a powerful man whose tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings by Quibell and Weighall in 1905. ….The telling phrase, “a father to pharaoh,” recorded in the Old Testament (Genesis 45:87) is repeated exactly in Yuya’s book of the dead. His funeral regalia and citations also carry the title uniquely associated with Joseph in the Bible: The Holy Father of the Lord of the Two Lands – Father of the Pharaoh.

This is a picture of Joseph/Yuya and his lovely wife Asenath/Tuya:


We should all look so good after three thousand years!


Queen Tiye/Jochebed                            Hatshepsut

From the Bible we learn that Joseph, who was a Vizier in Egypt, married the daughter of the Priest of Heliopolis whose name was Asenath Tuya. Through her mother, Tuya is thought to have been the grand-daughter of Tuthmoses III, founder of the Great White Brotherhood of the Therapeutae and through her father she was descended from Igrath daughter of Esau (brother of Jacob/Israel) and Mahalth.  The pharaohs who descended from them are known as the Amarna Kings. They were Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun and Aye, who ruled consecutively circa 1367-1348 BC.  It was Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV who appointed Joseph/Yuya as vizier. The two stone head figures of Nefertiti and Meritaten shown earlier, were both sister-wives of Akhenaten. Meritaten’s Hebrew name was Miriam. Sigmund Freud claimed that the story of Moses humble origins in the Old Testament was a later fabrication to disguise the fact that Moses was a member of the Egyptian royal family. I will point out though, that the Bible does call Moses an Egyptian and we are told of his adoption into the royal family. What has been hidden is his royal Egyptian ancestry.

Other historians who made the connection of Moses with Akhenaten were Manetho, an Egyptian historian and high priest from the 3rd century BC, the first century Jewish historian Josephus, Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, and Justin Martyr, an early father of the Christian church who lived in the second century. In Acts 7:22 of the Bible, it states; “Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action”. This reference to his being educated in the wisdom of the Egyptians is proof from the Bible that he was an initiate of the Wisdom religion. The Bible, in Judges 1:16 says that Moses fled to the land of the Kenites after he killed the Egyptian. The people living in the new capital of Egypt, Akhetaten were known as Kenites. This is that Bible verse;

And the children of the Kenite, Moses’ father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people.

Akhetaten was called the city of the palm trees. Seth’s son Enosh’s first son was Kenan. One author said the Kenite name stemmed from Cain, but I believe it stemmed from Kenan, the grandson of Seth.

From the Jewish Virtual Library we learn;

“The Kenites were enumerated among the early peoples of Canaan, together with the Kenizzites and the Kadmonites (Gen. 15:19). Relations between the Israelites and the Kenites were good, but B. Stade and others argued for Kenite influence on Moses and the religion of Israel. This “Kenite hypothesis” (updated by Halpern and by van der Toorn) holds that YHWH was not originally the God of the Hebrews and was not even known to the Hebrews. He was originally a Kenite tribal god who became known to Moses through his Kenite father-in-law, Jethro. Moses then made YHWH known to the Hebrews, who accepted Him as their God. As observed by van der Toorn, the Kenite hypothesis nicely accounts for the absence of Yahweh from earlier pantheons, Yahweh’s link with Edom (Deut. 33:2), the Kenite connection of Moses, and the Bible’s positive attitude to Kenites.”

In the Bible’s book of Hosea 12:9 it reads; “I have been the Lord your God ever since you came out of Egypt; I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your appointed festivals.” This very important verse tells us that the Israelite’s changed Gods at this time, so the previous writer from the is most likely correct. I believe the change at that time was that the esoteric God was given to the exoteric Israelite’s, so that they were all worshiping the same God – but I may be wrong. I am still a little unclear on the gods of the Old Testament.

Helena Blavatsky said that the Essene’s were descendants of Benim Nabim, Kenites and Nazarites. The title Benim Nabim translates as ‘sons of the prophets.’ The Nazarites were none other than the Nazarenes. Akhenaten called himself “the prophet son of God, born from God’s body”. The following are pictures of Akhenaten;



Note the ‘serpentine’ eyes of Akhenaten and his birth mother Jochebed/Queen Tiye pictured previously.

The author of The Custodians of Truth wrote; “The Levitic hereditary priestly clan was created by extending the rank, rights, and privileges of the Atenist priesthood to their Levitic successors in exile who, as we shall see, continued the transmission of sacred wisdom among their number in the traditional manner.”

Our ancestors had shining countenances. They literally glowed with light. One of their appellations was ‘the Shining Ones’. We saw earlier in Laurence Caruanas Glossary that the Elect shone.  In the spiritual world, the more light, the more spiritual. This light was known as ‘Royal Farr’ in Persia.  That’s how you could tell if your priest-king was on the right path in his spiritual life, if he didn’t shine, he wasn’t doing well. These were truly the periods of the divine dynasties, and by that I define ‘divine’ as ‘celestial’, or perhaps ‘other worldly’. Civilizations would either thrive or die through their leader. The ancient book of Jasher was written by Moses staff bearer. The Book was so important to our ancestors that it’s mentioned in the Bible in the books of Joshua and Second Samuel. In his book, Jasher speaks about Moses parents, Ambram/Amram and Jochebed and the birth of Moses;

“Jochebed brought forth a son and the whole house was filled with a great light as of the light of the sun and moon at the time of their shining.”

And from the Bible book of Hebrews 11:23 we learn: “By faith Moses parents hid him for three months after he was born because they saw he was no ordinary child and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.”

He was not ordinary because he was an angel child. I am convinced that the stories in the Bible about births to barren women were actually examples of artificial insemination to re-infuse the bloodline with ‘divine’ DNA. Laurence Gardner, in his book Genesis of the Grail Kings, shows the Adam of the Bible being born from the sperm of Enki/Ea used to fertilize an egg of an Earth woman and then Enki’s half-sister Ninhursag as the surrogate mother. He shows both Adam and Eve born in this way.

In his book The Shadow of Solomon, Gardner equates Akhenaten with Moses and the pharaoh who followed him, Smenkhkare, as Moses brother Aaron. Another interesting find by Gardner is that a 1744 C.E. Masonic ritual of the Holy Royal Arch cites Moses as the first biblical Grand Master of Masonry. Moses is considered a primary guardian of the Hermetic wisdom which came out of Egypt. I read where the Mysteries had all but died out but Moses revived them, initiating some two thousand men.

This time period of our family history is fascinating. It shows how far-reaching our family’s influence was. Aaron’s daughter Scota married Niul who was a Black Sea prince of Scythia. As related by Gardner, according to a text called the 17th century History of Ireland, Niul and Scota’s son Gaedheal (Gael), was born in Egypt when Moses began to act as a leader of the children of Israel. The descendants of Niul and Scota migrated across Europe to become the Scots-Gaels of Ireland and Scotland. From my own research I know that at some point Gaedheal had appended to his name the word Glas. This morphed into the last name ‘Glass’ which can be traced down my family line all the way to the Cherokee in Virginia and North Carolina. Chief Glass, known in the Cherokee language as Tagwadihi, better known as ‘The Glass’, was a leading chief of the Cherokee in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, eventually becoming the last principal chief of the Lower Cherokee, also called the Chickamauga Cherokee.

There is a familiar Egyptian connection with Abraham and Sarah. Abraham’s original name, Abram, was Egyptian for ‘exalted father’. We also learn in Genesis 21:21 that Abraham’s son Ishmael took an Egyptian wife. The Bible makes it seem that David was no more than a poor shepherd boy who became king because he killed Goliath. In reality, he was the descendant of these Egyptian royal lines. Our ancestors considered earning the title ‘Righteous Shepherd’ among the highest of honors. It could be that the association of David with shepherding had something to do with that.

The figurines below can be found in the British Museum. They were recovered from the Ubaid or Ugaritic civilization, the forerunner of the Sumerian and Akkadian people of Mesopotamia – the people of Abraham. Yes, they are reptilian looking! They also have the high skulls we looked at earlier. Yes, there is a definite difference in their faces/heads. I believe the previous photos represent a blend of human and reptilian DNA which I attribute as the reason we are so plagued with auto immune disorders. There is no doubt as to the authenticity of these figures. That has to at least make you wonder; who were these modeled after? By the way, the picture of the mother nursing her baby, I believe, shows one of the earliest portrayals of the Divine Mother and Baby representations also shown in the myths of Isis and Horus and the Virgin Mary and Jesus! By the way, their hair was made with asphaltum/tar!


In the apocryphal text The Gospel of Thomas Jesus says; “When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much will you have to bear!” Was he ever right! In an ancient text it says that the Watchers changed their image into that of humans after they were unsuccessful in mating with them. I have also come to believe that they did it because their partial creation, humans, were terrified of how they looked.

From The Lost Teachings of Atlantis comes this warning;

“Take heed of the ancient warnings and prophecies about the Belialians; Lizard-like are they-not in apparent physical description, but in spirit form, in the heart-in the soul.  Beware even now of your lizard kin, for they rule the world with greed and without compassion, while maintaining appearances of good and righteous. As men and women do these sons of Belial walk the Earth. Model citizens, successful leaders who are the envy of the uninitiated.”

Of course, this is not news to us Light workers!